
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Execution Delayed

Execution Delayed
An Israeli press report is stating that Iran has put off the execution of brother Youcef. We are working to confirm this information. It states that Youcef was set to be executed today and that they have delayed it. But they have not said how long it has been delayed. Please continue to pray, tweet and contact your government officials.
If this is a fact then Iran has done two things; 1. They have acknowledged that he is under the death sentence for apostasy. 2. They have acknowledge that an execution order was signed.
But it only states that the execution was delayed not cancelled. We need to continue to earnestly pray. They did not announce that the execution was to take place today so they may execute him any other day since they state it was merely delayed. Please pray and pass the word to others to do the same.
So that you are aware of the grace of God, we can tell you that Youcef and his family are both doing well. They are remaining faithful to Christ and standing strong in Him. 

In Christ,

Jason DeMars
Present Truth Ministries
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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Persecuted Church


This morning the persecuted church is very much on my heart. The Lord had me up in the night praying for the situation in Iran with Pastor Yousef and His precious family and others. Here in the nation of Canada for the moment we live where there is freedom to practice our faith. We do see however that the enemy is trying to bring restraint on just what one can preach out their bible when it comes to certain topics. The love and fear of the Lord must be paramount in a person's life and the fear of man must be kept under our feet.

My heart is troubled for our brothers and sisters in China, Iran and many other places in the globe where they are suffering deep persecution for the gospel of Christ. What would it would be like to live in a country where anyone could pound on your door in the middle of the night and just haul you off to some unknown place and torture you. This happened to one precious woman in China as they tried to get her to denounce her brothers and sisters. Truly she was suffering the sufferings of Christ for her faith in Him. She did not relent and give in but with the grace of God she held ground.

Which brings me to the spirit of compromise that is so prevalent in much of the church today. Could we stand if persecution comes one day to our nation as it is in China or Iran. Years ago when first saved I heard a brother speak about persecution and all it did was scare me. Now I am mature and can look at it in new light. The bible tells us that all those that live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. We read about the sufferings of Christ. Do we even discern the Lord's body and move beyond our own needs to the needs of others? Are compassionate and understanding when one part of the body suffers for when one suffers we all suffer with them!

How is your relationship with Jesus? Is He your first love or have you over the years you have allowed other things to come between you and your Lord? Perhaps it is your work, another person, it could even be material things or your ministry. Do you have enough of the Word of God hidden in your heart to bring you through rough times? I am a firm believer in the need to memorize scripture and in retrospect would that I had memorized more when young and became a new believer. It is never too late to take the time to learn a scripture a week.

We must realize that the body is not just those in your group, your family, or ethnic background but it is truly made up from all the nations of the earth. Precious brothers and sisters who have heard the gospel and accepted the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. His blood was shed for you and me and for all mankind and we are seeing as we have seen through ages past that there are those that have and will continue to pay a high price for serving Jesus. They have seen that they are not of this world and that there is no price paid that will not be worth it in the end. They will obtain a better resurrection.

Let us turn our hearts towards the persecuted church, sit down with Father and hear Him. I know they are on His heart as He had me up praying for them in the wee hours of this morning. Ask Father God what is your part in this and He will show you. Let us stand with our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church today.

32And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
 33Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.
 34Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
 35Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
 36And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
 37They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
 38(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
 39And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
 40God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Heb. 11:32-40

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Urgent! Pastor Youcef

Update: Execution orders may have been issued for Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

(Source: American Center for Law and Justice)

Please pray for Pastor Youcef!
Photo: Present Truth Ministries
According to contacts in Iran, the execution orders for Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have been issued. Pastor Youcef's situation -- an innocent man convicted and sentenced to death for becoming a Christian -- has reportedly not been this dire since his story was first reported (for more on his case, click here).
It is unclear whether Pastor Youcef would have a right of appeal from the execution order. The head of Iran's Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, must approve publicly held executions, but only a small percentage of executions are held public -- most executions in Iran are conducted in secret.
Please pray that the Lord will intervene and that Pastor Youcef will be freed from prison. Pray that Youcef and his family will remain faithful to the Lord in all situations. Pray that the Lord will be exalted through Pastor Youcef, whether in life or in death (Philippians 1:20).
Go to the Iran Country Report for more on the trials Christians in Iran face.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Flash Point! Urgent Call To Intercession Concerning The Middle East

Flash Point!!!

This morning a prophetic friend has no computer access but has been in intercession and is hearing the words FLASHPOINT!  She feels strongly that it is to do with Damascus in Syria, and Iran.  She senses the potential for a powder keg to ignite into something that will affect the whole world.  We ask that you  intercede as feel led by the Lord about this very serious situation.  She has dictated these words to me over the telephone and asked me to get these words out to the body of Christ.

14Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD, 15Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.Joel 1:14-15

15Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: 16Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
 17Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? 18Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people.  Joel 2:  15-18

By Ruth Grigg in 2012 Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival ·

We declare and decree the PEACE of God that passes all understanding, that will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus over our nation.....     We declare a QUITE  and PEACEABLE life in our land, and peace with our neighbouring nations.

We decree the RULERS of our nation ....  to have the wisdom of God in all their affairs, discussions and decisions.  That our rulers, governors, leaders and Kings will be guided by the Spirit of Truth and will operate with integrity, deligence and humility.  We declare our leadership will be inspired by the true and living God.

We declare PROTECTION  over our nation......  protection over our cities, towns, villages, suburbs.  Protection over our young and old, our vulnerable and sick and weak. We declare protection from Satan's attacks, protection from corruption, protection from wars and violence, protection from diseases and famines.  We declare and release the Warrior Angels to come and stand with us in our time of need, and God's ministering angels to come and minister and bring healing to our people.

We call forth the INTERCESSORS  of our land to rise up and to stand in the gap in intercession, on behalf of our nation....  to stand on the city walls, and to pray, to sound the alarm, and to declare the word of the Lord.

We declare that there will JUSTICE  and righteousness in our nation, and that justice will be balanced with Godly wisdom and with mercy and kindness.

We call forth PROVISION  for the people of our nation - provision for the poor and needy, the homeless and rejected ones, and the lonely.  Provision of fresh clean water, provision of healthy and nutritious food, provision of homes and shelter, provision of health, and provision and release of finances in and to the areas and people that need it.

We call forth the CHURCH of the living God in our nation....  to wake up, to stand up and be counted as children of God, and the Bride of Christ.  We call forth the Church to become SALT and LIGHT in this dark world.  We call forth the church to become a victorious Body of Christ, overcoming darkness and the systems of this world.

We call forth a UNITY and a HEALING  of wounds within the churches of our nation... and a binding together where there has been brokenness, mistrust and misunderstanding.  We call forth a unity and depth of love between the members of the Body of Christ, so that the world may know we are Christians, by our love.

We call forth the CHURCH  of God in our nation....  to RISE UP and MOVE OUT in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, declaring the Good news of the Gospel and displaying the miracles, healings, signs and wonders, and the works of God in our land.  We call you forth and release you from your chains.  We speak freedom over you to become all that God has called you to be.  Rise up church.

We call forth the LOST  SHEEP in our nation...  those who do not yet know the Lord and have not heard of Him ... we call you to come out of your prison cells, out of your comfort zones, out of your sin and darkness, into the light, love, power and presence of God.  We call you to come into the Kingdom of God and to the Wedding Banquet.  The Spirit and the Bride says, "Come."

We call forth the LOST within the BODY of Christ in our nation ... we call you to return to the Body of Christ, the fold of God to be healed, delivered, set free, encouraged, built up,  accepted and loved of the Lord and by the Body of Christ.

We call forth the PROPHETIC WORD  to go out in our nation... in our churches, all over our land... that the word of God will be delivered and will be heard once again.  We call forth a pulling down of strongholds, a pulling down of idols, false religions and cults, and a raising up of the banner of truth in our land.

We call forth REVIVAL in our nation that does not cease, but continues on until your work is done and the Lord returns.   We call forth revival within the church and outside of the church.  We call in a harvest of souls, and a harvest of young people with vision and fire within their hearts.  We call forth a revival that shakes our nation ...  and changes our nation, and turns our nation back to the true and living God.  We call forth and declare that our nation will serve the true and living God once again, and that we will bow our hearts and our knees to our Saviour, Christ  Jesus.

We call ALL these things forth in the name of  JESUS and we decree them to the earth, in His precious name.


Ruth Grigg

Friday, February 24, 2012

Standing In The Gap For The Sin Of Abortion

Standing In The Gap For The Sin Of Abortion

Sometimes we are so blind that we do not see our sin as God sees it.  We can be grateful that He takes time before dealing with a nation to point out our sin and show us the way of repentance.  Jesus is the answer to a nations sin issues and when we repent of our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.  The Lord is addressing the sin of abortion in the United States of America as we have heard tonight on a call to fast and pray sent out by Lou Engle of The Call. 

I was painfully aware that our own nation is not exempt of this sin and also needs to come to a place of repentance and that laws need to be speedily changed to protect the unborn lives that are so dependent on the decisions we make.  The laws we make do affect the generation to come and those thereafter and the sins of the fathers are visited on the children to third and fourth generation and some sins even to the tenth generation. What are we doing about our sin?  What are we doing as the body of Christ in prayer and intercession?  Are we calling on the Lord and repenting for the lives of those whose blood has been shed and like Abel's blood is now crying up from the ground?  God sees it all!  He knows it all and nothing is hidden that will not be revealed. 

We want our nation spared the natural disasters and yet do we deserve that our nation be spared?  This is a soul searching question but one that needs to be asked.  Are we asking the Lord to also change the hearts of those that are pondering abortions in the near future?  Even this next week abortions are scheduled and yet we forget and these lives hang in the balance.  Could we by our prayer change the hearts of many of these mothers?  Can we change the heart of a nation through prayer, fasting and intercession?  Yes we can!!!  We have been called for such a time as this to make a difference, in the lives of others.  Do you believe the Lord wants to use you to pray, stand in the gap and repent of the sin of abortion in our land?

The unborn are crying out as they are taken to the slaughter.  Doctors that perform these abortions are murdering children.  Mothers and Fathers who have abortions are killing their children and so many later live with deep regret troubling them each and every day of their lives.  I know of one woman who suffered mental illness because of the abortion she had in her early life. 

Let the Lord tenderize your heart to the cry of the unborn.  Let Him stir you to stand in the gap.  Let Him allow you to see sin as sin and not call it otherwise.  The Lord saw the blood of Abel crying out and He sees the blood of each and every child that has been shed.  Abortion breaks the commandment of the Lord that says, you shall not kill.  In having an abortion you are committing murder.  

Father God will most surely forgive you for having had an abortion and cover this sin in His precious blood.  He is a loving and forgiving God.  He is merciful to those that repent.  Let us also repent of not carrying this burden and passing it off for others to take care of.  Let us pray for our leaders that they hear the Lord and have their eyes opened to see.  Let us cry out and spare not that the fear of God and a spirit of repentance come upon the people of our land and see if the Lord will again show our nations favor.  

Now is the time to repent of our sin!  Now is the time to hear Him!  Now is the time to not delay but come quickly to Him in repentance!  Now is the time for tomorrow may be too late!  Now is the time to hear the voice of the Lord as He is speaking to many in the nations.  God is raising up youth with a standard.  He is raising up prophetic voices among our youth today that will go far beyond that which we have done for the Lord and will walk fearlessly speaking the whole counsel of God.  Let us pray for these youth that God will raise them up with His fire in their bones and that they will speak without fear of man.  Let us pray everywhere without doubting what the Lord will do for a nation that walks in repentance and fear of the Lord.  Let us watch and pray, and repent of our sin.  9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Urgent call to fast and pray for the United States of America - Lou Engle - The Call

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Urgent Prayer & Action: Final Verdict for Pastor Youcef... Death

Urgent Prayer & Action: Final Verdict for Pastor Youcef... Death
(Iran)—According to a FOXNews report today, the final verdict has been handed down on Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani's fate—death.
As Youcef's supporters all around the world feared, the Iranian trial court has decided that he will be executed on the charges that he left Islam to convert to Christianity.
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani's family and supporters are asking for urgent prayer by Believers worldwide, on his behalf, and for people to contact their legislators to ask for intervention.
Follow the link for more information:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Christian convert Farshid Fathi goes on trial in Iran's Evin Prison

Christian convert Farshid Fathi goes on trial in Iran's Evin Prison

By Michael Ireland
Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
TEHRAN, IRAN (ANS) -- The trial of Farshid Fathi, a Christian convert who has been held in prison for more than a year, has finally been held after being postponed several times for various reasons.

Farshid Fathi (Courtesy Mohabat News).
According to Mohabat News  citing "a knowledgeable source" who sent a report to the agency, Fathi had been arrested more than a year ago during a raid by security authorities in Tehran.

According to this report, the trial, which had been postponed several times, was eventually held on February 5, in a Revolutionary Court based in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. Mohabat News said it is being reported that the court will deliver its verdict to Fathi's attorney in three months. However, according to the penal code in Iran, the judge is obliged to issue the verdict not more than one week after the inquiries are completed.
"It seems that such illegal actions had been carried out by security and Revolutionary Courts officials in order to cause the prisoner more serious mental harm. Such actions are regarded as torture from the perspective of a prisoner," the agency reported on its website.

Mohabat News explained that near the end of last year, when the Norouz celebrations of 1390 (Persian year) were at hand, security authorities informed Mr. Fathi's family that he could be temporarily released after submitting a bail of 200 million Tomans (equal to $200,000 USD according to the exchange rates of that time).
"But when Fathi was ready for his release at the appointed time, and even had collected all his personal belongings from the prison guards and was at the door, they prevented him from leaving the prison in order to make a negative mental impact on him," the agency said.

The agency added: "This Christian convert is now being held in the general ward of the prison. It is also reported that he is in a good health condition and his family is allowed to visit him according to prison laws."
Mohabat News stated that Fathi was arrested as part of a broad-planned attack by security authorities on December 26, 2010, right before New Year celebrations.
"At the same time as this attack, a large number of other Christian citizens and members of house churches were also arrested in Tehran and other cities. A majority of these detainees were temporarily released on heavy bails after some months," the agency reported.

Farshid Fathi, who is 33 and the father of two children, was held in solitary confinement.
"During that time, he was subjected to severe interrogations by Intelligence Ministry's agents. There, he was questioned about who had he shared the gospel with and what foreign contacts he had been in touch with?"

The Mohabat News report continued: "Unfortunately, some people and organizations. who are not aware of the facts but who call themselves compassionate towards Christian prisoners, are refusing to give updates in this regard. They even prevent others from publishing news because they think it is not in the interest of Christians and could worsen their situations.

"As a result, some inaccurate reports have been published regarding Farshid Fathi. Although these people try to earn credit for themselves with respect to these prisoners, their ill-advised activities furthers the Iranian government's interest and even contributes to the continued detention of the prisoners."

Mohabat News commented: "At a time when the General Council of the United Nations has appointed a special rapporteur to investigate human rights in Iran, this ill-informed view has helped enable the Republic Islamic of Iran to remain silent. It fosters a lack of information on the condition of prisoners and also a lack of factual reports to human rights organizations.
"Considering the large number of Christian prisoners that are being held in prisons in different cities across the country, the concern over the condition of these brothers and sisters is not only an issue for their families but it has expanded to become an issue of the whole church of Iran and a continuing prayer request for many believers around the world who share this passion."
The agency report concluded: "Being transparent and informing the public regarding the condition of Christian prisoners, Mohabat News calls on churches everywhere to pray for the release of Christian prisoners and all other prisoners of conscience and lift their hands to Heaven in unity."
Source: (ANS)