
Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Prayers Can Change History

Your Prayers Can Change History

The 2012 Presidential Election will be a deciding factor on the course of the United States of America. Let us be praying up until the polls close that the Lord will have His way and have mercy on the United States. Be prayerful about your vote and take some time with Father God to hear Him. It is the most important election in U.S. history and America is standing in the balance. We are admonished to pray for those in authority over us that we might live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life. Let each one be a tool in God's hands and trust that as we do our part, God will have His way even in the storms of everyday life.

Continue to pray for those also who are going through great difficulty after Sandy and are still without power and the necessities of everyday life and that homes be found quickly for these people. It is at times like this that a Nation needs to come together and those in authority need to step up to the plate and serve. The people of Staten Island and Hoboken, N.J. have been crying out for help and our hearts go out to them. We pray that they and all affected have a speedy recovery. JESUS IS THE ONLY ANSWER TO THE STORMS OF LIFE SO LET US BE QUICK TO CALL ON HIS NAME!

2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. 2:1-4

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Update on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

Sources in Iran have said that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been acquitted of apostasy, but found guilty of evangelizing Muslims and sentenced to three years in prison which he has already served. He has been released from prison and reunited with his precious family. We need to keep praying however as another Pastor was released and then murdered not too long after his release.
Please pray for the Lord's protection over this Pastor and his family and let us continue to pray for the persecuted church in Iran.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

pleast pray for Evangelist Billy Graham in hospital with infection

Evangelist Billy Graham in hospital with infection

ASHEVILLE, N.C. –  A spokesman for Billy Graham says the 93-year-old evangelist has been admitted to a North Carolina hospital for an infection in his lungs.

A joint statement Sunday from Graham's spokesman and Mission Hospital says Graham was admitted overnight for evaluation and treatment of an infection thought to be bronchitis. The hospital is in Asheville, near his home in Montreat.

Pulmonologist David Pucci says Graham is resting comfortably and his condition is stable. He is receiving antibiotics.

Graham spokesman Larry Ross says the evangelist was able to watch a television feed of his grandson, Will Graham, preaching on Sunday morning.

Graham was hospitalized for pneumonia last November. His staff says the evangelist's health has been good since his release, though he remains at home due to age-related conditions. He is working on a manuscript for an upcoming book

Read more:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Calling All Intercessors!


16 He saw that there was no one, was amazed that no one interceded. Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and his own righteousness sustained him. Isaiah 59:16 (CJB)

I am calling forth My intercessors to take their place in the battle.  There are many that are not in position and now is the time for you to take your place.  It is a time of high alert in the land and you are being called now to do battle for the souls of men.  Battles are taking place for the nations of the earth and the souls of men.  Now is the time for you to lay aside all that is not important and to spend time with Me that you might see and hear.  Then you can pray according to My Word and see the Word of the Lord go forth in the earth.  My Kingdom is within you.  I live within you.  Not for the pleasures of this world but to be that one I have called you to be.  Hear My voice and move into position.

I am the light of this world.  It is my light and fire that men must see and be saved.  I am calling you to pray men into the Kingdom of God.  Nations stand in the balance, souls stand in the balance and many are going to hell daily.  I say to you pray, and intercede for the souls of men and for all that are in authority over you.

You can see that battle has heated up greatly and there is gross darkness on the land.  The rights of those that are mine are being taken away daily and you must stand your ground, first in the prayer closet.  Be on high alert and vigilant.  Have your spiritual periscope up and searching for all that is not of me that you might defeat the enemy.  I would have your eyes staid on Me for only then as you truly fellowship with Me will you see and hear.

Be alert in prayer.  Wake up My church for many are yet asleep in the light.  Hard times are coming and the enemy would try and bring about a third world war.  Be alert and pray for the situation in the middle east.  The situation with Iran and Syria are a powder keg about to go off and you must pray.  Keep your eyes on Russia for it is again raising its head.  Call on Me and I will intervene as you move My hand in prayer.  There is great need for intercessors praying for Israel and you need to surround her with your prayers of intercession.  Pray that they have wisdom and come to the knowledge of the truth that indeed, I am their Messiah.

Pray for President Obama for wisdom and that he will come to hear My voice.  I have been speaking but He has not yet heard My voice.  Pray for the protection of those in authority that no weapon formed against the United States of America will prosper.  Pray that the spirit of Behemoth be brought down for it is arising worldwide.  Men have thought that they can do it their way and self must be brought down.  I am doing a work in the hearts of men but there is a red star rising and it is Russian and you must be in prayer concerning her for her position in the middle east is not by accident but by design.  There are those you that will be shown how to pray and take down the kingdoms of the enemy in corporate prayer.  Come together in corporate prayer.  I have designed you and created you for this time and hour. 

Be the prophetic intercessors that I have called you to be.  Shoot the arrows of My Word and hit the target.  Take the Word of God and fight for all that is good and true and decent for the spirit of deception is moving rapidly to deceive even the very elect if this were possible.  Pray for truth in the body of Christ to be revealed.  Pray for deliverance from deception.  If it were possible all could be deceived.  But My Spirit is all powerful and as you cry out for the truth of My Word you will see the deceptions of men.  Fear not that which I am speaking to you but fear the Lord and know that I am moving.  I am the light of the world the fire that needs to burn in the hearts of men.  Run this race with great care and diligence, putting aside all but that which is important for the Kingdom of God to be furthered in the earth.  Lay aside all that is not of Me.  Walk in love and let the love of Christ flow through you to the hearts of men.  Arise and let Me be your first love.

Prayer Alerts

Yesterday morning I heard the words, " behemoth is rising!. I searched out the scripture in the book of Job 40:15-25 and also Behemoth means something of oppressive or monstrous size, power, or appearance in Mirriam-Websters dictionary. The Lord also showed me a black submarine on the surface shortly afterwards.  Several hours later after praying He had me look and see that there was a Russian nuclear sub by that name and also other nations had subs of this kind as well.  Later that day I heard storm clouds were on the horizon and also the words, "red star rising".  As I searched online there was a photo of a Russian sub above surface very near a beach there.  All the people were going about their business as usual with but a very few even concerned.  Now is the time for man to wake up and realize that the cold war is not over.  We need to see with the eyes of the spirit so please pray accordingly.

We are entering a time of the 9th of Av. starting tomorrow evening.  It is a time throughout history where many catastrophes have happened throughout Jewish History.  Let us be prayerful during this time for Israel and also for the Israeli team at the 2012 Summer Olympics as it is a concern of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.   Also that God would have His way and touch the hearts of men and women in London, England.

Let us be praying for the drought and severe weather situations throughout the US and some of Canada.  Let us pray for a spirit of repentance to fill the hearts of men and that mercy of God would send rain first in the hearts of men and then on the land.  Scripture tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust.  Your prayers do make a difference so do not doubt but pray in faith believing.
Be praying for the body of the Lord Jesus Christ to arise and be all she has been called to be and that His glory would be seen in His people. 

Patricia Hamel

July 27, 2012 1:20 Eastern


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

True Prophetic: Nearly 1.8 million still without power in eastern ...

True Prophetic: Nearly 1.8 million still without power in eastern ...: Nearly 1.8 million still without power in eastern U.S. | CTVNews

Please pray for power to be restored to these homes and that the Lord use this
situation for His glory.  Throughout many disasters we have heard of the goodness
of the Lord in peoples lives so lets pray for them.  Blessings, Patricia

Monday, July 2, 2012

Word Of The Lord - July 2, 2012 With Prayer Alerts

WORD OF THE LORD - July 2, 2012
With Prayer Alerts
through Patricia Hamel 

I am seeking a people that are wholly mine.   Those that have come out of the world and know their God.  It is time to come to Me my people and give me your all, holding nothing back.  You can see the hour in which you are living and the perils that are before you each and every day.  Turn to me my people and open up your hearts that I might do a lasting work in you.  No longer will I settle for lip service but I am looking to you and searching you that I might find a servants heart. 

Have I not made it clear to my people that I am longsuffering and not willing that any should perish?  Have I not made it clear that you need to get rid of the sin in your life?  I am speaking to My children because of my great love for you.  I am not willing that one should perish.  I am calling you to come forth and be all you have been called to be.  I am speaking to you to come forth and stand before Me.  Humble your hearts and turn it all over to Me.  Many of you are withholding your hearts from Me and this greatly saddens me that you will not give your all to Me.  I have given all for you.  Open your hearts My children, cry out to Me for I will forgive your sins.  I will heal your diseases and I will walk with you.  Give your whole heart to Me while there is time.

Nations are in disarray and hanging in the balance.  Swords have been drawn on many sides and it is not long before great war takes place in the nations of the earth.  Men are planning for battle but I say to you I have prepared you for myself and will be your hiding place even in the battle.  Turn all over to Me.  Pray for your nation and pray for the gates that have been opened through sin as they have given access to the enemy. These gates need to be shut through intercession and I am looking for intercessors that will come to Me and call on Me standing in the gap for the sin of your nation.

 Even in New York the enemy has sought to come in and destroy again.  I say to you that narrow is the way that leads to life and broad is the way that leads to destruction.  I am calling you children, the apple of My eye to come forth and stand in the gap.  Stand in the place of that intercessor and call on Me.  The enemy is seeking to come in even into your city and the destroyer has placed himself to strike again.  Intercession can stop this.  The enemy wants war and when a man is at peace with His God peace will reign in a nation.  It is time for your nation to stop its dealings with the enemy and come and bow before Me.  It is time to let me rule and reign for I am the King of Kings and Lord of Glory.  I would rule in your nation and in the hearts of men. 

There is no redemption for the nation whose people do not turn to Me.  Intercession should be a joy and not a chore.  I am entreating you.  Come to Me.  Get busy and call a chosen fast and seek My face.  Call on the name of your redeemer for I am your God.  Call on Me and I will answer you. A nation can be spared with true repentance.  Bring forth true repentance.  Call on me and see if I will answer you.  Call on Me and I will hear you.  I am shaking that which can be shaken and there will be shaking in leadership in the natural and in the spiritual.  I am looking for one that is pliable in My hands.  They are few.  I am looking for leadership that will bend their will to mine and seek me in prayer for their nation.

 You have not because you have asked not and when you have asked you have asked with wrong motives.  I seek the intents of the heart.  Call on Me and seek me for the enemy seeks to devour your nation.  He is seeking entrance to destroy but I say to you intercession can turn away the enemy from without and within.  Seek Me now and call on Me with your whole heart.  Repent of sin and you will win this battle.  Corporately there needs to be repentance.  Cry to Me and I will turn your nation around.  The key is to cry out, cry loud against sin and spare not.  Too many have made light of sin and I cannot look on sin for I am a Holy God.  Repent of sin, call a solemn fast and see if I can do a work in your nation.  The end is close and I say call on me for I am the Lord. 


Prayer Alerts to Pray for New York City.  The area of Broadway, Time Square and 42nd street have been brought to my attention by the Lord. 

Also  Emerald Isle, N.C.  whose waterway is an open gate for enemies of the United States to attack.  Intercessors need to shut this door in the spirit. 

The heat wave throughout the US is life threatening. Millions are without power.  God is trying to get our attention and often uses weather, and natural calamities as a means to do so.  Fires and drought have been allowed but are not God's desire for a nation who walks with the Lord.  God is speaking through these natural circumstances that it is time to repent and turn fully to the Lord.

14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 2 Chr. 7:14 (AMP)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Update on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

April 24, 2012

Update On Youcef

Nadarkhani and Behnam Irani

 “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”   Hebrews 13:3 Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani remains in prison in Rasht, Iran.
Our sources confirm he is alive and is doing well by the grace of God. We are still waiting for a written verdict to be delivered regarding hisSeptember 2011 retrial. The Ayatollah has not responded to the local courts request for his legal opinion.  It is unlikely he will respondbecause, if he does, it will create a legal precedent, and he neither wants to compromise on core Islamic penal code nor does he want to face the certain international uproar and loss of face that comes with executing a Christian.  Pray that God works in the hearts of the local court and local officials.

Behnam Irani Suffering In Prison

Pastor Behnam Irani is not in good condition in Ghezal Hezar Prison in Karaj, Iran.  He is frequently beaten by prisoners under the watchful eye of prison officials.  Sources close to the family are concerned that he will die before the end of his five-year prison sentence.  He is having trouble with his eyesight and his foot.  He also has some sort of intestinal disorder.

We need your help in making Pastor Behnam’s case more prominent in the international media. Please spread the word about his situation, contact government officials and media organizations. To learn more about his life you can go to
There has yet been no verdict delivered for the 12 Christians that were put on trial on Easter Sunday. We anticipate that it will be delivered shortly; however, based on past precedent, there could be a significant delay.  I will work diligently to keep you up to date.
In Christ,
Jason DeMars
Present Truth Ministries

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The God Factor

The God Factor
Francis Frangipane
Rarely does a night pass without my wife and I praying for the Muslim world, and increasingly so for Iran. We are praying in agreement with millions of other Christians around the world.
I'm sure everyone knows that the world is moving toward a pivotal juncture in time. Iran's leaders are aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons while simultaneously pledging to destroy Israel. Israel, on the other hand, has sworn that Iran will not get nuclear weapons. The watching world has increased crippling sanctions on Iran, but to no avail. It seems inevitable that these two nations will meet in a war that will leave few survivors.
America, meanwhile, has pledged to stand with Israel. The Muslim world knows America (and its European allies) are weakened economically and tired of war, yet the U.S. is resolved to face Iran militarily if sanctions do not stop Iran's ambitions.
Though the stage is being set for a massive conflict, I do not believe this dreaded confrontation is inevitable. Let me explain: Islam is divided into two major sects. Approximately 80% of the Muslim world is Sunni and the rest mostly Shiites and some smaller sects. These two major groups have coexisted but have an historical hatred and mistrust for each other.
Iran is part of the smaller Shiite sect. Thus, Iran's determination to develop nuclear weapons is not only a threat to Israel, but it is an unacceptable advantage that threatens most of the Sunni world. A nuclear Iran has the potential, not only to ignite a catastrophic war with Israel, but it could easily spread chaos and conflict throughout the Muslim world and beyond.
Christianity in Iran
However, there is always a third component to determining the future, and that is the "God factor." The fact is, in recent years Christianity has experienced explosive growth in Iran. I recently met by email a remarkable Iranian woman. Nasrin was born a Muslim in Iran; however, she found Christ through supernatural dreams and visions of Jesus, which led to her study of the Word of God. She now lives in the USA. In a recent email she said,
God is working in Iran in a mighty way. Before the 1979 Islamic revolution, there were approximately 500 known converts in Iran. However, today many mission leaders believe that now close to one million Iranian converts serve Christ in underground house churches. The Lord is exposing the dark side of Islam to the people in Iran and Jesus is being revealed through visions and dreams. People in Iran have come to associate Islam with hate and war, and they are opening their hearts to the Prince of Peace.
Her testimony gives insight into one reason why Iran has been arresting Christians, especially pastors, as they try to slow down the rapid growth of the Church in Iran.
Additionally, I had another experience with an Iranian who sat next to me on a flight to Atlanta. As he squeezed into the middle seat, he put a large book in the seat pocket in front of him. I thought the book was the Koran, so I began to talk with him about Islam. He interrupted me and said, "This is not a Koran, it is the Bible. I am an Iranian. Many of my fellow Muslims have become Christians. I too am interested in learning about Jesus."
God is doing something in Iran. It is this divine initiative that gives me hope that a military option will not be needed. Therefore, I speak to you as people of prayer, faith and vision: let us join intercessors around the world in prayer for Iran! The focal point for our intercession should be the Muslim world in general, but in particular for the leaders of Iran. Let us also pray fervently for the Church in Iran, and also Israel.
Can we dare to hope for such breakthroughs? Absolutely. It was not too long ago when the Soviet Union collapsed before our eyes. Since its fall more people have come to Christ worldwide than the sum of all conversions prior to its demise. We are close to the times of judgment, but we are not there yet. The Holy Spirit has yet to be poured out upon ALL nations (See Acts 2), and that includes the Muslim world!
I believe a great harvest is going to occur in the Muslim world. The first stage of an outpouring is the awakening of intercession in God's people. Indeed, let us beseech the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into this harvest field, and beyond into the entire Islamic world. Let us, as followers of Jesus Christ, never forget the God factor when we pray about the future.
Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Prayer For Pastor Youcef

As of yesterday Pastor Youcef is alive and well.  Please keep praying for he and his family.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wade E. Taylor Gone Home To Be With Jesus

Brother Wade E. Taylor a spiritual father to many has gone home to be with Jesus.  Please pray for his family at this difficult time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Execution Delayed

Execution Delayed
An Israeli press report is stating that Iran has put off the execution of brother Youcef. We are working to confirm this information. It states that Youcef was set to be executed today and that they have delayed it. But they have not said how long it has been delayed. Please continue to pray, tweet and contact your government officials.
If this is a fact then Iran has done two things; 1. They have acknowledged that he is under the death sentence for apostasy. 2. They have acknowledge that an execution order was signed.
But it only states that the execution was delayed not cancelled. We need to continue to earnestly pray. They did not announce that the execution was to take place today so they may execute him any other day since they state it was merely delayed. Please pray and pass the word to others to do the same.
So that you are aware of the grace of God, we can tell you that Youcef and his family are both doing well. They are remaining faithful to Christ and standing strong in Him. 

In Christ,

Jason DeMars
Present Truth Ministries
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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Persecuted Church


This morning the persecuted church is very much on my heart. The Lord had me up in the night praying for the situation in Iran with Pastor Yousef and His precious family and others. Here in the nation of Canada for the moment we live where there is freedom to practice our faith. We do see however that the enemy is trying to bring restraint on just what one can preach out their bible when it comes to certain topics. The love and fear of the Lord must be paramount in a person's life and the fear of man must be kept under our feet.

My heart is troubled for our brothers and sisters in China, Iran and many other places in the globe where they are suffering deep persecution for the gospel of Christ. What would it would be like to live in a country where anyone could pound on your door in the middle of the night and just haul you off to some unknown place and torture you. This happened to one precious woman in China as they tried to get her to denounce her brothers and sisters. Truly she was suffering the sufferings of Christ for her faith in Him. She did not relent and give in but with the grace of God she held ground.

Which brings me to the spirit of compromise that is so prevalent in much of the church today. Could we stand if persecution comes one day to our nation as it is in China or Iran. Years ago when first saved I heard a brother speak about persecution and all it did was scare me. Now I am mature and can look at it in new light. The bible tells us that all those that live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. We read about the sufferings of Christ. Do we even discern the Lord's body and move beyond our own needs to the needs of others? Are compassionate and understanding when one part of the body suffers for when one suffers we all suffer with them!

How is your relationship with Jesus? Is He your first love or have you over the years you have allowed other things to come between you and your Lord? Perhaps it is your work, another person, it could even be material things or your ministry. Do you have enough of the Word of God hidden in your heart to bring you through rough times? I am a firm believer in the need to memorize scripture and in retrospect would that I had memorized more when young and became a new believer. It is never too late to take the time to learn a scripture a week.

We must realize that the body is not just those in your group, your family, or ethnic background but it is truly made up from all the nations of the earth. Precious brothers and sisters who have heard the gospel and accepted the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. His blood was shed for you and me and for all mankind and we are seeing as we have seen through ages past that there are those that have and will continue to pay a high price for serving Jesus. They have seen that they are not of this world and that there is no price paid that will not be worth it in the end. They will obtain a better resurrection.

Let us turn our hearts towards the persecuted church, sit down with Father and hear Him. I know they are on His heart as He had me up praying for them in the wee hours of this morning. Ask Father God what is your part in this and He will show you. Let us stand with our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church today.

32And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
 33Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.
 34Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
 35Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
 36And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
 37They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
 38(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
 39And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
 40God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Heb. 11:32-40

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Urgent! Pastor Youcef

Update: Execution orders may have been issued for Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

(Source: American Center for Law and Justice)

Please pray for Pastor Youcef!
Photo: Present Truth Ministries
According to contacts in Iran, the execution orders for Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have been issued. Pastor Youcef's situation -- an innocent man convicted and sentenced to death for becoming a Christian -- has reportedly not been this dire since his story was first reported (for more on his case, click here).
It is unclear whether Pastor Youcef would have a right of appeal from the execution order. The head of Iran's Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, must approve publicly held executions, but only a small percentage of executions are held public -- most executions in Iran are conducted in secret.
Please pray that the Lord will intervene and that Pastor Youcef will be freed from prison. Pray that Youcef and his family will remain faithful to the Lord in all situations. Pray that the Lord will be exalted through Pastor Youcef, whether in life or in death (Philippians 1:20).
Go to the Iran Country Report for more on the trials Christians in Iran face.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Flash Point! Urgent Call To Intercession Concerning The Middle East

Flash Point!!!

This morning a prophetic friend has no computer access but has been in intercession and is hearing the words FLASHPOINT!  She feels strongly that it is to do with Damascus in Syria, and Iran.  She senses the potential for a powder keg to ignite into something that will affect the whole world.  We ask that you  intercede as feel led by the Lord about this very serious situation.  She has dictated these words to me over the telephone and asked me to get these words out to the body of Christ.

14Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD, 15Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.Joel 1:14-15

15Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: 16Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
 17Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? 18Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people.  Joel 2:  15-18

By Ruth Grigg in 2012 Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival ·

We declare and decree the PEACE of God that passes all understanding, that will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus over our nation.....     We declare a QUITE  and PEACEABLE life in our land, and peace with our neighbouring nations.

We decree the RULERS of our nation ....  to have the wisdom of God in all their affairs, discussions and decisions.  That our rulers, governors, leaders and Kings will be guided by the Spirit of Truth and will operate with integrity, deligence and humility.  We declare our leadership will be inspired by the true and living God.

We declare PROTECTION  over our nation......  protection over our cities, towns, villages, suburbs.  Protection over our young and old, our vulnerable and sick and weak. We declare protection from Satan's attacks, protection from corruption, protection from wars and violence, protection from diseases and famines.  We declare and release the Warrior Angels to come and stand with us in our time of need, and God's ministering angels to come and minister and bring healing to our people.

We call forth the INTERCESSORS  of our land to rise up and to stand in the gap in intercession, on behalf of our nation....  to stand on the city walls, and to pray, to sound the alarm, and to declare the word of the Lord.

We declare that there will JUSTICE  and righteousness in our nation, and that justice will be balanced with Godly wisdom and with mercy and kindness.

We call forth PROVISION  for the people of our nation - provision for the poor and needy, the homeless and rejected ones, and the lonely.  Provision of fresh clean water, provision of healthy and nutritious food, provision of homes and shelter, provision of health, and provision and release of finances in and to the areas and people that need it.

We call forth the CHURCH of the living God in our nation....  to wake up, to stand up and be counted as children of God, and the Bride of Christ.  We call forth the Church to become SALT and LIGHT in this dark world.  We call forth the church to become a victorious Body of Christ, overcoming darkness and the systems of this world.

We call forth a UNITY and a HEALING  of wounds within the churches of our nation... and a binding together where there has been brokenness, mistrust and misunderstanding.  We call forth a unity and depth of love between the members of the Body of Christ, so that the world may know we are Christians, by our love.

We call forth the CHURCH  of God in our nation....  to RISE UP and MOVE OUT in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, declaring the Good news of the Gospel and displaying the miracles, healings, signs and wonders, and the works of God in our land.  We call you forth and release you from your chains.  We speak freedom over you to become all that God has called you to be.  Rise up church.

We call forth the LOST  SHEEP in our nation...  those who do not yet know the Lord and have not heard of Him ... we call you to come out of your prison cells, out of your comfort zones, out of your sin and darkness, into the light, love, power and presence of God.  We call you to come into the Kingdom of God and to the Wedding Banquet.  The Spirit and the Bride says, "Come."

We call forth the LOST within the BODY of Christ in our nation ... we call you to return to the Body of Christ, the fold of God to be healed, delivered, set free, encouraged, built up,  accepted and loved of the Lord and by the Body of Christ.

We call forth the PROPHETIC WORD  to go out in our nation... in our churches, all over our land... that the word of God will be delivered and will be heard once again.  We call forth a pulling down of strongholds, a pulling down of idols, false religions and cults, and a raising up of the banner of truth in our land.

We call forth REVIVAL in our nation that does not cease, but continues on until your work is done and the Lord returns.   We call forth revival within the church and outside of the church.  We call in a harvest of souls, and a harvest of young people with vision and fire within their hearts.  We call forth a revival that shakes our nation ...  and changes our nation, and turns our nation back to the true and living God.  We call forth and declare that our nation will serve the true and living God once again, and that we will bow our hearts and our knees to our Saviour, Christ  Jesus.

We call ALL these things forth in the name of  JESUS and we decree them to the earth, in His precious name.


Ruth Grigg

Friday, February 24, 2012

Standing In The Gap For The Sin Of Abortion

Standing In The Gap For The Sin Of Abortion

Sometimes we are so blind that we do not see our sin as God sees it.  We can be grateful that He takes time before dealing with a nation to point out our sin and show us the way of repentance.  Jesus is the answer to a nations sin issues and when we repent of our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.  The Lord is addressing the sin of abortion in the United States of America as we have heard tonight on a call to fast and pray sent out by Lou Engle of The Call. 

I was painfully aware that our own nation is not exempt of this sin and also needs to come to a place of repentance and that laws need to be speedily changed to protect the unborn lives that are so dependent on the decisions we make.  The laws we make do affect the generation to come and those thereafter and the sins of the fathers are visited on the children to third and fourth generation and some sins even to the tenth generation. What are we doing about our sin?  What are we doing as the body of Christ in prayer and intercession?  Are we calling on the Lord and repenting for the lives of those whose blood has been shed and like Abel's blood is now crying up from the ground?  God sees it all!  He knows it all and nothing is hidden that will not be revealed. 

We want our nation spared the natural disasters and yet do we deserve that our nation be spared?  This is a soul searching question but one that needs to be asked.  Are we asking the Lord to also change the hearts of those that are pondering abortions in the near future?  Even this next week abortions are scheduled and yet we forget and these lives hang in the balance.  Could we by our prayer change the hearts of many of these mothers?  Can we change the heart of a nation through prayer, fasting and intercession?  Yes we can!!!  We have been called for such a time as this to make a difference, in the lives of others.  Do you believe the Lord wants to use you to pray, stand in the gap and repent of the sin of abortion in our land?

The unborn are crying out as they are taken to the slaughter.  Doctors that perform these abortions are murdering children.  Mothers and Fathers who have abortions are killing their children and so many later live with deep regret troubling them each and every day of their lives.  I know of one woman who suffered mental illness because of the abortion she had in her early life. 

Let the Lord tenderize your heart to the cry of the unborn.  Let Him stir you to stand in the gap.  Let Him allow you to see sin as sin and not call it otherwise.  The Lord saw the blood of Abel crying out and He sees the blood of each and every child that has been shed.  Abortion breaks the commandment of the Lord that says, you shall not kill.  In having an abortion you are committing murder.  

Father God will most surely forgive you for having had an abortion and cover this sin in His precious blood.  He is a loving and forgiving God.  He is merciful to those that repent.  Let us also repent of not carrying this burden and passing it off for others to take care of.  Let us pray for our leaders that they hear the Lord and have their eyes opened to see.  Let us cry out and spare not that the fear of God and a spirit of repentance come upon the people of our land and see if the Lord will again show our nations favor.  

Now is the time to repent of our sin!  Now is the time to hear Him!  Now is the time to not delay but come quickly to Him in repentance!  Now is the time for tomorrow may be too late!  Now is the time to hear the voice of the Lord as He is speaking to many in the nations.  God is raising up youth with a standard.  He is raising up prophetic voices among our youth today that will go far beyond that which we have done for the Lord and will walk fearlessly speaking the whole counsel of God.  Let us pray for these youth that God will raise them up with His fire in their bones and that they will speak without fear of man.  Let us pray everywhere without doubting what the Lord will do for a nation that walks in repentance and fear of the Lord.  Let us watch and pray, and repent of our sin.  9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Urgent call to fast and pray for the United States of America - Lou Engle - The Call

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Urgent Prayer & Action: Final Verdict for Pastor Youcef... Death

Urgent Prayer & Action: Final Verdict for Pastor Youcef... Death
(Iran)—According to a FOXNews report today, the final verdict has been handed down on Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani's fate—death.
As Youcef's supporters all around the world feared, the Iranian trial court has decided that he will be executed on the charges that he left Islam to convert to Christianity.
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani's family and supporters are asking for urgent prayer by Believers worldwide, on his behalf, and for people to contact their legislators to ask for intervention.
Follow the link for more information:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Christian convert Farshid Fathi goes on trial in Iran's Evin Prison

Christian convert Farshid Fathi goes on trial in Iran's Evin Prison

By Michael Ireland
Senior International Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
TEHRAN, IRAN (ANS) -- The trial of Farshid Fathi, a Christian convert who has been held in prison for more than a year, has finally been held after being postponed several times for various reasons.

Farshid Fathi (Courtesy Mohabat News).
According to Mohabat News  citing "a knowledgeable source" who sent a report to the agency, Fathi had been arrested more than a year ago during a raid by security authorities in Tehran.

According to this report, the trial, which had been postponed several times, was eventually held on February 5, in a Revolutionary Court based in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. Mohabat News said it is being reported that the court will deliver its verdict to Fathi's attorney in three months. However, according to the penal code in Iran, the judge is obliged to issue the verdict not more than one week after the inquiries are completed.
"It seems that such illegal actions had been carried out by security and Revolutionary Courts officials in order to cause the prisoner more serious mental harm. Such actions are regarded as torture from the perspective of a prisoner," the agency reported on its website.

Mohabat News explained that near the end of last year, when the Norouz celebrations of 1390 (Persian year) were at hand, security authorities informed Mr. Fathi's family that he could be temporarily released after submitting a bail of 200 million Tomans (equal to $200,000 USD according to the exchange rates of that time).
"But when Fathi was ready for his release at the appointed time, and even had collected all his personal belongings from the prison guards and was at the door, they prevented him from leaving the prison in order to make a negative mental impact on him," the agency said.

The agency added: "This Christian convert is now being held in the general ward of the prison. It is also reported that he is in a good health condition and his family is allowed to visit him according to prison laws."
Mohabat News stated that Fathi was arrested as part of a broad-planned attack by security authorities on December 26, 2010, right before New Year celebrations.
"At the same time as this attack, a large number of other Christian citizens and members of house churches were also arrested in Tehran and other cities. A majority of these detainees were temporarily released on heavy bails after some months," the agency reported.

Farshid Fathi, who is 33 and the father of two children, was held in solitary confinement.
"During that time, he was subjected to severe interrogations by Intelligence Ministry's agents. There, he was questioned about who had he shared the gospel with and what foreign contacts he had been in touch with?"

The Mohabat News report continued: "Unfortunately, some people and organizations. who are not aware of the facts but who call themselves compassionate towards Christian prisoners, are refusing to give updates in this regard. They even prevent others from publishing news because they think it is not in the interest of Christians and could worsen their situations.

"As a result, some inaccurate reports have been published regarding Farshid Fathi. Although these people try to earn credit for themselves with respect to these prisoners, their ill-advised activities furthers the Iranian government's interest and even contributes to the continued detention of the prisoners."

Mohabat News commented: "At a time when the General Council of the United Nations has appointed a special rapporteur to investigate human rights in Iran, this ill-informed view has helped enable the Republic Islamic of Iran to remain silent. It fosters a lack of information on the condition of prisoners and also a lack of factual reports to human rights organizations.
"Considering the large number of Christian prisoners that are being held in prisons in different cities across the country, the concern over the condition of these brothers and sisters is not only an issue for their families but it has expanded to become an issue of the whole church of Iran and a continuing prayer request for many believers around the world who share this passion."
The agency report concluded: "Being transparent and informing the public regarding the condition of Christian prisoners, Mohabat News calls on churches everywhere to pray for the release of Christian prisoners and all other prisoners of conscience and lift their hands to Heaven in unity."
Source: (ANS)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An Unconventional Year By The Holy Spirit Through Mary Lindow (Read also the part in here for Canada)

Forum: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Topic: 2012 - An Unconventional Year - PROPHETIC INSIGHTS
Posted By: Mary Lindow

2012 - "An Unconventional Year"  - Prophetic Insights

By the Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow

* I have a few things I would like to express to you before I share.

As I prepare to communicate with those whom the Lord may have read these insights that He has impressed me with for the year 2012, I would like to advise that you would read with the intention of allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you to the Word of God for further confirmation and direction.

No one prophetic voice hears all, and it is a wise person who will listen to what the Lord would say through many individuals who have words to share. There will be a thread or theme that flows out of the multitude of voices, and the Lord will prune away what may well be opinions, personal expressions and flamboyance, or even sensational one-upmanship or eerie predictions filled with dread, or - maybe even ambiguous supernatural potential events.

Having shared this, please- as one of God's own children, always return to His plumb line of the scripture to bring wisdom and balance to any prophetic words you may hear.

Let's Begin:

2012 - An Unconventional Year

This will be a year where what often looks to be predictable and obvious will instead, go an entire different direction or take an unpredictable course.

The word " Unconventional" has been the keynote word from the Lord to me.

The word unconventional means:

Unusual, irregular, unorthodox, unfamiliar, uncommon, unwonted, out of the ordinary, atypical, singular, alternative, different; new, novel, innovative, groundbreaking, pioneering, original, unprecedented; eccentric, idiosyncratic, quirky, odd, strange, bizarre, weird, outlandish, curious; abnormal, anomalous, aberrant, extraordinary; nonconformist, Bohemian, avant-garde; informal far out, offbeat, off the wall, wacky, madcap, oddball, zany, hippie, kooky, wacko.

"In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps."

Proverbs 16:9

Many have built platforms and empires within their own self-created spheres that have brought for some, great levels of visibility and success. This applies heavily to corporate leaders as well as those holding on to the concept spiritually that one key leader is the "voice" for the many.

2012 will be a year where the abuses of power will continue to be not only exposed and addressed, but will also appallingly be made pubic and drug through more and more media mud slinging.

Again, the Lord has graciously given time to those who still cling to entitlement and an attitude of "specialness", presuming they are more anointed, more brilliant and who have consistently attempted to be notable authorities, without having the personal lives behind the scene, that honor the heart and purposes of God.

It will be as if a box has been opened for all to see its hidden contents, or perhaps a drape drawn back to see what is hidden behind it. Plagiarism will be rampant in publications in both specular and spiritual genres. It will expose poor scholarship and rushed materials meant to entice hearts and to stroke the ego of the writer.

All of this the Father has warned over and over again within the heart of those now seared by greed and weak confidence in God's plan and chosen times for promotions.

Some became fools through their rebellious ways,
And suffered affliction because of their iniquities."
Psalm 107:17

So often the Lord has had to deal with the issue of His people presuming that "they know how" He- the Lord will or - "should" move in certain settings, only to be gravely disappointed and shocked when it appears as if the opposite happens.

To presume means to take for granted that something exists or is the case. It also means to make unjustified demands; take liberties.

Unless we as believers become solidly and firmly trained up in the study of the Scripture, not just the memorizing and quoting of it randomly, there will continue to be fractured teaching and many bizarre approaches to what is the plan of God for his people on planet earth.

"And He said to them, be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you--and more [besides] will be given to you who hear."
Mark 4:24

"Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth."
2 Timothy 2:15

As the Lord continues to build and establish the model of genuine "Apostolic Fathering and Mothering", in 2012 there will be a notable "fork in the road" for those called to this daunting assignment from Heaven.

The Father has asked me to lovingly but firmly warn those who are now in the possible place of having broader influences over another generation of developing young and tender leaders, to be very aware of where they stand.

A healthy and wise parent or mentor will train, model and provide safe boundaries for their children or students to grow and learn to step out into, knowing that they will experience difficulties and hardships, as well as many exciting growth spurts.

Those who need to have a following or remain as "cool and hip" as the young people they mentor will face a serious clash in the days ahead of them. Name dropping, self promoting of their spiritual acumen and harsh or condescending talking down to those in their care will result in being disqualified from moving into the next promise of Apostolic training and mentoring centers, which the Lord has been preparing for several decades.

You CAN teach an old Dog New Ways ...
....If you bring in the MASTER trainer.

Saying things like "This is the way that you are" or that you are "set in your ways" exposes willfulness and a need for control. So does boasting that you have worked hard and have "earned" your title and position." Those who posture or continue to tout their "higher levels of knowledge and insight" will become a sour source of reference, and the King of heaven will not bless them with further influence.

They now have a choice to set things right with those whom they have "kept under their thumbs" and whom have not been allowed to move into to the fullness of their calling. Chose the path of humbling yourselves in the sight of the Lord.

His example of lowliness and the release of others into the harvest fields will be the only model that Father will bless in the days ahead.

I believe all human fatherhood
should be patterned
after the Divine Fatherhood.

The Lord would have these whom are stand in this place of decision that it does not matter that you have done mighty or impressive things in the past years. That is past and gone. You have received your rewards. Move now into a place where inclusiveness in Kingdom equality and honor are practiced openly and freely. Those who still have the aloof approach in sharing of honor and position will be eventually left on their own, having exhausted and exasperated those whom they were suppose to train and release.

Let the up and coming leaders in other generations shine in what they do! Don't compete or try to be as "cool" as they are in their genre of expression. Let GO!

"Fathers, do not exasperate (harass - provoke - embitter - aggravate) your children that they may not lose heart and become discouraged."
Colossians 3:21

He who always finds fault with a child; who is never satisfied with what he does; who scolds and frets and complains will eventually break his spirit, and soon destroys in the delicate texture of his soul all desire of doing well.

The child in despair soon gives over every effort to please. He becomes sullen, morose, stupid, and indifferent to all the motives that can be presented to him, and becomes to a great extent indifferent as to what he does - since all that he does meets with the same reception from the parent.

"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them."
Deuteronomy 4:9

The Father in heaven has an exclusive responsibility towards His people and He cries out to them through the Holy Spirit that just as he moved on behalf of Asa and his men when surrounded by a vast army and 300 chariots, so will He move again on behalf of those who are obedient to His voice and commands.

He tells you at this time...
... to put HIM between yourself and the enemy.

When Asa realized his lack of strength. THEN he saw Jehovah God crush the Cushites. They were "Crushed before the Lord and their foes." 2Chronicles 14:13

Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, "LORD, there is no one besides You to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in You, and in Your name have come against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; let not man prevail against You."
2 Chronicles 14:11

There will be several "invented" crisis settings in 2012 that will cause many to choose to hoard and stockpile for themselves. They will be quickly exposed as moneymaking schemes and a tool to inflate prices.

Oh the other side of this there will be those who have very little with which to live and eat due to job losses and cutbacks. Those around them, if not filled with the fruits of Grace and Mercy, will become indifferent to the cry of their needs, for there will be many.

"Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help."
Isaiah 58:7

The Lord would have me share that He is indeed watching to see if the heart of the Apostolic move of God can be again modeled as when the people brought what they had, to trusted and integral teams of leaders, who then distributed with prayer and wisdom to all, and none had any lack.

We are at a time where the Body of Christ must share resources willingly and fairly and not justify personal strictures that apply to others, but not them selves.

Here is a scriptural measuring stick to use to observe the true Apostolic heart and Leader.

Psalm 112:9
They share freely and give generously to those in need.
Their good deeds will be remembered forever.
They will have influence and honor.


"Then I was told, You are to make a fresh prophecy
concerning many peoples and races and nations,
And languages and kings." Revelation 10:11

The United Kingdom
There will be a ROAR of Prayer heard from desperate hearts in the UK. Prayer will be a way of life in many small Hamlets and Villages, and many homes will become chapels of healing and miracles.

The prostitution red light districts in Central London will have an epic move of God as He sends in intercessors in tandem with relevant and fiery Revivalists who will have such a strong presence of God with the Power of Holy Spirit bringing conviction that even the hardest atheist observing it all will be made to run away in terror at the potent power of God falling upon the filth of prostitution.

Joel 2:25
And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten--the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, my great army, which I sent among you.

Houses of hope and care will spring up in smaller surrounding areas, where these whom have once been bound will be cared for and restored.

Galatians 6:1
BRETHREN, IF any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.

There are many hidden and faithful leaders who have weather political and spiritual storms for decades who are now well prepared and ready for the Father's divine plan for their lives.
Ireland will begin to export teams of Apostolic and Prophetic missionaries into the USA and Europe. These people will have a razor sharp ability to cast out religious spirits hindering moves of God. They will bring with them the fresh songs of praise and worship now ready for the hungry ears of the true worshiper.

The "cynical" Irishman will now become the grand believer declaring - "With God all things are possible"!

There will be a spotlight on Ireland with new technologies being developed and mined there. With it, doors will open for many to travel to Ireland and find Father and Mother Mentors ready to restore, train, and release.

France and Germany
The Father calls France, "A nation now in chaos". But as an underground stream flows swiftly and quietly, so do those who have determined to pray and intercede with heart wrenching pleas for the Father to move within their land.

A spiritual passivity will begin to be addressed and shaken off of the hearts of fearful and hidden believers. There will begin to be a few strong and ethical governmental leaders rise up who will begin to risk addressing the rapidly encroaching militant attacks against the people of France and its outlying regions. There will be community vigils of prayer in local churches and the repenting of passiveness and elitist thinking.

German and French believers will begin to view one another in a Kingdom perspective and join in prayer and service to one another, creating a groundswell of food pantries with farmers and dairies that will create CO-OPs.

The key to breaking the spiritual stagnation in France will be the humbling of hearts before the Throne of God, and reaching out beyond its own borders.

Ephesians 2: 14
For He is [Himself] our peace (our bond of unity and harmony). He has made us both [Jew and Gentile] one [body], and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us.

Germany will have a large revolt and uprising from among the youth as the economy continues to stress and bend. Looting and the stealing and selling of automobiles will become a raging epidemic.

For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him).
1 Corinthians 1:21

Simultaneously, Young street evangelists who have been well trained as well as educated will be commissioned to reach out to those rioting and manifesting. Government leaders will not know what to do with the uproar, and sanctions against open religious expressions will be put in place.

Nevertheless, young Paul's and Silas's will not fear what man can do to them and will continue to flow in the power of Evangelism, seeing the hand of God spare the lives of many.

Jonah 3:2
Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach and cry out to it the preaching that I tell you.

Canada will experience one of its most prosperous seasons even known, for a short season.

The Lord would have Canada know that they must deal fairly with the wealth that they will produce and pay back the First Native families, and with Godly equity. If this is not addressed with wisdom and integrity, Canada will have to pass through the sorrows of disobedience.

Canadian Intercessors are being awakened and called up to stand in the place of prayer for its leaders and tribes. Now is not the time for silliness and laughter.

It is a sober day, with a command for sober prayers.

Accordingly then, let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us keep wide awake (alert, watchful, cautious, and on our guard) and let us be sober (calm, collected, and circumspect).
1 Thessalonians 5:6

"Get up! Stand UP! Be Purposeful," says the Lord. How do you not know that through your borders I can bring a North American Wave of Justice and Restoration?"

1 Peter 1:13
So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.

In Closing,
I bless you, the reader of these prophetic insights,
in the Name of Jesus.
May His word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.
2 Peter 1:21

"Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said, "No, don't worship me. I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus. Worship only God. For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus. "
Revelation 19:10

Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed
as long as the complete message and website information
for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You.
 Copyright © 2012 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Monday, January 2, 2012

Prophetic Word For 2012 - The Dromedaries Are Coming



6 The multitude of camels shall cover your land,   the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah;       All those from Sheba shall come;  They shall bring gold and incense,  And they shall proclaim the praises of the LORD. Isa. 60:6

In 2011 we saw both the goodness and the severity of God.

As I sat down to pray I heard in my spirit, "The dromedaries are coming".  

In 2012 we have great expectancy having just come through a most difficult year. Our hearts are filled with thankfulness to our Father for keeping His hand on our lives.

Many have come through deep tests and trials. At times you have even asked questions wanting to be sure you were on the right track but through the difficulties and tests you have been found faithful. Often painfully God dealt with you as sons and you have come out on the other side, walking in a deeper level of commitment and holiness.

Many of you have been hidden and are not yet known to man as you have been hidden for God's future purposes. God has not forgotten you but He has been doing a lasting work in your life. It will not be about your ministry but Christ in you (his sent ones) that will go forward and do great exploits in His name. You have learned to give Him all of the glory!

The government is upon His shoulders and He came to establish His kingdom in the earth. The Kingdom of God is within you.  In 2012 we will see a positioning of many of His apostles and prophets in the earth.  These sent ones will not be concerned about titles, but will want to see the body of Christ mature that the harvest might come in.

The body of Christ is being realigned on His axis. There will be much more shifting in the body of Christ and in the earth to bring about His Divine purposes.  Truly, His Kingdom is being established in the earth without delay.

The church has come short of His glory in her prayer life and intercession and God is calling leadership to a greater level of commitment in the prayer closet. How can you expect your sheep to do what you do not do? No longer will you be able to get through on a few minutes of prayer but will need to be serious,and to watch and pray! Life and death are in the power of the tongue and you need to line up your mouth with the Word of God.  What you declare and decree holds weight so put a watch at the door of your mouth.

These dromedaries (sent ones) may not come in conventional packaging but will be designed by God Himself so do not miss the hour of your visitation.  There will be those sent into your midst to help you labour in the vineyard.

Pastors you will need to release the control of your house to Me that My apostles and prophets might be moved into position.  I will no longer tolerate Pastors controlling their sheep but am looking for those that will lay down their lives for the sheep daily.

These dromedaries will come bearing their gifts and you need these gifts operating in your midst. Eyes and ears that have been sharpened by years of training are needed for the work of God, to survive and flourish and all gifts of the Spirit need to be flowing. Test and try every spirit but receive those that I send to you.

Home churches are being established throughout the land and many will leave the conventional churches and seek out these smaller, more personal groups as there are those there that will allow the Holy Spirit to have His rightful place. The church is being moved out of the four walls into the highways and byways and you need to be prepared to minister to people, anywhere, anytime and any place the Spirit of God quickens to your heart.  You have been given the message of My Son Jesus and you must take it to the people being instant in season and out of season.

I am Divinely linking My body together and My bride comes from every kindred and tribe and you must learn to love.  It is by the love you have one for another that men will know that you are My disciples.

In 2012 determine in your heart to take time in My Word. Let Me show you the treasures in My Word as you study to show yourself approved to God.

Much has been written about the world situation and many have been filled with fear of the future. Time spent with Me will help you to overcome fear and you must be determined to root it out of your life.  Learn NOW to put your trust in Me for ALL your needs for man will not always be standing with you.

Continue to pray for the world situation. Remember that you are in this world but not of it.The Kingdoms of this earth are being shaken but there is no confusion in heaven. You are seated in heavenly places and all things are possible to those that believe.  As believers you have the answer to the worlds issues, for I Jesus came to seek and save those that were lost. I AM the ONLY answer to mans dilemmas and to this world situation.

I will never leave or forsake you. Continue to see to the needs of the poor. Open your hearts to the needy and remember that you are My hands and feet in this fallen world.

I have heard the cries of those hidden ones longing to take My Word to a lost and dying world. They are willing to pay the price even with their life.  Many will be sent in the years ahead and some will not return. You will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony.  Those that are willing to lay down their lives will gain life eternal.

In 2012 many "sent ones" are being positioned and many are being released to do the work of the Kingdom. Pray for them!  Be willing to receive them in your midst and remember that one that ministers the gospel is also worthy to be supported in that work.  Freely you have received,freely give.

Patricia Hamel

January 2, 2012